Sunday, 22 July 2012

The Best of Times ?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us”

I am pretty sure Dickens did not have golf in mind when he wrote that, but for us it was not a tale of two cities but a tale of two golfers.

Since the time of Roman gladiators there can only be one victor and various losers.

I tweeted on Saturday night that someone would shoot low and set a target, I even said I thought it would be Ernie Els.

In my opinion Adam Scott did not lose it Ernie Els won it. I know many will disagree with that.

We should remember Ernie birdied the last to post a score, or as it turned out to win the Open Championship.

Given a choice I would rather chase from behind than sit on a lead, I honestly think protecting the lead is harder, mentally at least.

Look at Ernie on 16, trying to drive the green, being aggressive, showing a desire to win.

And I honestly think Ernie deserved to win, his back 9 was stunning attacking golf.

So where did it go wrong for Adam?

Was it his birdie on 14 ? I wonder if it was there it started to unravel. Four holes to go and a four shot lead and I think he mentally shut down.

After 14 was it a case of “right who do I thank 1st with my speech”, “Remember to mention Queensland”, “what’s the time back home?, will they still be up?”

We will never know what went on in his head, but enough was going on for golf to disappear from it.

I think what we did learn today was that Adam is not as mentally strong as Tiger, and for sure Stevie Williams found that out.

After winning the Bridgestone last year Williams claimed “it was the greatest win of his career”

Well the question has to be where was Stevie for the last four holes ? I think that he has some serious questions to answer, especially club selection on 18!
The club choice was the wrong 1, plain and simple.

I don’t like Tiger, I never will, but most of you know that, BUT, in that situation 4 up with 4 to go Tiger would have closed shop, simple as.

Given Williams experience of caddying for Tiger why did this not happen?

Adam is no Tiger, he is a genuinely nice guy, in golf terms Tiger was mean and nasty, that why he won so much.

Note I said was!

Where was Tiger Woods on Sunday, a guy who is a shadow of the force he once was showed up on Sunday.

Even as a shadow the guy still finished tied 3rd! Tied 3rd.
5 years ago the Tiger Woods we used to watch would have moved mountains to turn the screw, but Tiger 2.0 is a pussy cat, not the hunter of old.

It shows the amount of talent that Tiger has that he can finish 3rd while performing at what ? 50% of what he once was?

If Tiger had attacked would he have won? We can only guess.

Until Tiger finds his claws he will never be back, if Tiger fans cant see that then you are blind.

So not only Adam & Tiger but 155 golfer lost today and one won.

So lets celebrate a wonderful win for Ernie Els, lets celebrate a wonderful come back to the big time for a guy who was not worthy of a Maters invite!

Apart from Ernie though the big winner was golf!

This is why the Open Championship is the best Major in the world, this was a brilliant 4 days, I cant wait for Muirfield, can you ?

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