There’s a wonderful scene in the Legend of Bagger Vance when Hardy is telling Junuh why he loves golf, “it’s the only game I know where you can call a penalty on yourself. If you’re honest, which most people are. Their just ain’t no other game like it”
Admittedly this is a fictional film but in in depression ridden America back then they did not have to allow for out 21st century problem, trial by TV.
End of story, or so you would have thought.
While incurring a penalty drop at the CME title holders, Sun Young Yoo, was reported for taking an illegal drop.

Was she penalised by an on course official ? Erm no.
So who reported her ? Some eagle eyed TV viewers and tweeters.
I think the official name for such a persons is saddo.
Rule 20-2 states “A ball being dropped under the rules must be dropped by the player themselves. They must stand erect, hold the ball at shoulder height and arm’s length and drop it.”
Sun’s arm was below shoulder height, that I have no argument with.
Did Sun deliberately cheat ? NO
Did Sun gain an advantage ? NO
At the time, in play, when the ball was dropped Sun and her playing partners where all happy with what had transpired. Should that not have been an end of it?
Now I know it seems like a contradiction as a rule was broken but I have a real problem with this.
Now if EVERY group had every shot televised then that would be different. It would then be a level playing field for every player. But not every group is televised.
If a player is seen deliberately cheating then that would be different.
The really sad thing is that there are people out there with nothing better to do.
Sun’s arm was barely below shoulder height, she was no doubt upset by duffing her shot into the hay and more upset about taking a penalty drop, every one of us would no doubt feel the same way.
Her biggest penalty was being in the televised group!
As the rules currently are the LPGA acted, as they see it, in the correct manner.
What we now need the is that every professional tour, needs to do is introduce a new ruling.
“After the completion of that days play TV evidence will not be used unless a player has deliberately cheated or gained advantage.” and “In circumstances where a player and their competitors have agreed on an incident the tour will accept the players honourable word”
Too simple??
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