Thursday, 23 May 2013

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Mistakes, we all make them.

But are we judged by our mistakes or how we correct them?

The majority of us are lucky we make mistakes in private and don’t have the world media analysing, cross analysing, dissecting and reconstructing what we have said or done.

Hopefully the majority of us are judged on how we correct our mistakes.

We can say sorry, we can ask for forgiveness and we can do everything in our power to make sure we never make the same mistake again.

We can look at the people we have wronged and make sure we don’t repeat our actions, our words or create opportunities to repeat our errors, if that is what we want.

When you cock up in public those opportunities are denied to you.

Sergio and Tiger don’t like each other, so what.

You look around your workplace and I bet there are people you don’t like, that’s just life. 

Human nature is what it is, there will always be personality clashes.

When Sergio said what he said about Tiger at Sawgrass I honestly thought it was nice to see someone being honest and real, not giving us the standard PR BS.

Agree or disagree with what he said at least it was honest.

What Sergio said at Wentworth this week was stupid to say the least, but we have all said stupid things.

Honestly how often have you repeated a bad taste joke and then get that sinking knotted feeling in your stomach as the last words leave your mouth?

Some of the stuff that has been written about Sergio in the American media has been nasty and vindictive.

For the record I have never been a Sergio fan, so this is pretty well unbiased, I hope.

The comments on the fried chicken were in bad taste, idiotic and extremely naïve, but were they intended to be racist ? I honestly don’t think so.

The other week I made a comment about Tigers goatee making him look like a Klingon, I was called a racist! Anyone that knows me knows I don’t have a racist or sexist bone in my body! 

If someone calls me a Jock or a sweaty sock is that racist ?

Or is it only a racist comment based on skin colour?

Quite frankly I find the R&A holding the Open Championship on men only golf clubs more offensive than anything Sergio said, but maybe that’s just me.

If the America media really want to make racism in golf an issue then lets really make it an issue.

Lets ask why there are so little coloured players on the PGA, LPGA, European Tour and the LET ?

Look at the NFL, NBA, Soccer in fact any sport and there are loads of sports people of colour, so why not golf ?

Maybe that’s a discussion that deserves more attention than Sergio ? 


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