I have friends, not many admittedly, who cant understand my love of golf.
They see it as an old mans game, played by old fuddy duddys, bad dress sense and elitist.
I say it not, its great fun, a proper sport and not snobbish at all.
Today at Muirfield R&A Chief Executive proved me wrong and them right.
“There’s a massive difference between racial discrimination, anti-Semitism, where sectors of society are down trodden and treated very, very badly indeed. And to compare that with a mens club I think is frankly absurd. There’s no comparison whatsoever” Said Dawson when asked the difference between clubs that ban women and white only clubs.
It shows that Dawson is either extremely arrogant or extremely ignorant.
Bigotry is bigotry, whether it is based on sex, race or religion.
In April 2013 Dawson was asked on single sex clubs “ Do you think it might damage the perception of the game of golf” he replied “People from inside the game I don’t think do that”
In other words his male chums in the male only R&A don’t think that.
When asked his Personal views Dawson said “ I believe there are times when men need to socialise with men and women need to socialise with women”
That misses the point entirely!
I make a choice not to play at men only clubs, that’s my right, but at least I have that as a choice.
And everyone deserves a freedom of choice ?
If you want to be a men only club and you want to be member of a men only club, then you are entitled to do so.
We all have our own moral compass.
But this is not about 1 club or 1 clubs policies, this is about, in my opinion, the greatest golf championship in the world.
The Open Championship, the name OPEN should say it all.
“The R&A seeks to engage in and support activities that are undertaken for the benefit of the game of golf “ that’s from the R&A website.
What benefit to golf is there in same sex golf clubs?
As I said if clubs want to stay single sex until legislation changes, but if the R&A want to “benefit” golf then 1 simple step will do that.
I will even supply them with the statement
“After a lengthy meeting of the Championship committee we wish to issue the following statement.
From this date no single sex clubs will be invited to host the Open Championship.”
Its not rocket science!
The R&A are then not forcing single sex clubs into the 21st century this way, Royal St Georges, Muirfield etc can remain in the 19th century and all it will cost them is the Open Championship.
It would also show the R&A are serious about growing golf.
So a win win scenario ?
Here is my prediction, come the next Open at a men only course we will be having this conversation again, with the same R&A issuing the same “we will look at the situation after this championship” AGAIN.
Wonder what Martin Niemoller would say about it all ??
They see it as an old mans game, played by old fuddy duddys, bad dress sense and elitist.
I say it not, its great fun, a proper sport and not snobbish at all.
Today at Muirfield R&A Chief Executive proved me wrong and them right.
“There’s a massive difference between racial discrimination, anti-Semitism, where sectors of society are down trodden and treated very, very badly indeed. And to compare that with a mens club I think is frankly absurd. There’s no comparison whatsoever” Said Dawson when asked the difference between clubs that ban women and white only clubs.
It shows that Dawson is either extremely arrogant or extremely ignorant.
Bigotry is bigotry, whether it is based on sex, race or religion.

In other words his male chums in the male only R&A don’t think that.
When asked his Personal views Dawson said “ I believe there are times when men need to socialise with men and women need to socialise with women”
That misses the point entirely!
I make a choice not to play at men only clubs, that’s my right, but at least I have that as a choice.
And everyone deserves a freedom of choice ?
If you want to be a men only club and you want to be member of a men only club, then you are entitled to do so.
We all have our own moral compass.
But this is not about 1 club or 1 clubs policies, this is about, in my opinion, the greatest golf championship in the world.
The Open Championship, the name OPEN should say it all.
“The R&A seeks to engage in and support activities that are undertaken for the benefit of the game of golf “ that’s from the R&A website.
What benefit to golf is there in same sex golf clubs?
As I said if clubs want to stay single sex until legislation changes, but if the R&A want to “benefit” golf then 1 simple step will do that.
I will even supply them with the statement
“After a lengthy meeting of the Championship committee we wish to issue the following statement.
From this date no single sex clubs will be invited to host the Open Championship.”
Its not rocket science!
The R&A are then not forcing single sex clubs into the 21st century this way, Royal St Georges, Muirfield etc can remain in the 19th century and all it will cost them is the Open Championship.
It would also show the R&A are serious about growing golf.
So a win win scenario ?
Here is my prediction, come the next Open at a men only course we will be having this conversation again, with the same R&A issuing the same “we will look at the situation after this championship” AGAIN.
Wonder what Martin Niemoller would say about it all ??
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