Tuesday, 23 February 2016

hypocrisy ? What hypocrisy

I love coffee, I can not function without it! 
But it needs to be real coffee, I have just not acquired the taste for the mass market instant stuff.
Real coffee has a texture, a taste, a smell that instant just can't reproduce.
But people buy instant in their millions because it's similar to the real thing, some people are easily fooled though.
When you think of it, it's a wee bit like Donald J Trump?

Golf, or rather golf's ruling bodies, are desperately distancing themselves from the man who would be King.

Personally my major issue with the Donald is his "I feel golf should be an aspirational game, something people should aspire to" and his similar quotes about the game.

It's a bit like saying anyone can be a numpty but rich numpties should be paid attention to.

Trump International is about 15 miles from where I live, you can join it for £2,495 !! Fraserburgh golf course is about the same distance away from me and it costs £300 to join next it's the 7th oldest club in the world! My home course, Cruden Bay is under £700!

That's not aspirational, that's elitist!

In Scotland, golf is still a game for anyone; regardless of their politics, religion, age, social standing or income !

It's as golf should be, well apart from one glaring exception, your sex! 

As far as I am aware Mr Trump's courses are not restricted to men only?

The R&A, well the Open Championship Committee, is playing a rather diplomatic game re Turnberry, sorry Trump Turnberry, and its future hosting of the Open Championship there.

With the USGA and US PGA openly saying no to Trump courses hosting events because of some of his rhetoric during his Presidential campaign, the R&A are being terribly British about it.

But how can the R&A legitimately be seen to be "anti trump" when they blatantly do nothing about sexism in our great game?

I would have had more respect, if Martin Slumbers and his colleagues simply said "men only clubs will no longer be allowed to host the Open Championship and the committee reserves the right to screen owners of Championship venues who may bring the game into disrepute"
It's not rocket science ?

After all it's not like the R&A control the LGU, ah, oh, mmm, oops! 

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